Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Patrick's Birthday (2 months later...)

Patrick turned 1 on May 6! I am a bit behind, but am trying to catch up. This is a picture of him on his actual birthday. In the background you can see our "kitchen" in our hotel room. We celebrated the big day the following weekend at my cousin Maggie's beautiful house in East Jordan, a couple of hours away. A little birthday video will be attached before long. Above is Patrick meeting his Aunt Nicole for the first time. He loved her from the start!

Below is Patrick having breakfast the morning of the birthday party. He even has his own high chair at Maggie's house!

Ryan grilled lots of good stuff for the birthday party. It was a rainy and cool day, but he was ib a mission.
Patrick went out to support dad wearing his awesome "Mossy Oak" fleece suit. It makes him seem like a stuffed animal, even his feet and hands are covered. A very handy gift from Grandma and Grandpa Ross, I hope he never out grows it!

This is Patrick's expression when he is about to get into trouble...

Patrick's first birthday cake!

Dad had to model how it is done.

Their eating habits are incredibly similar.

Aunt Nicole and Maggie helped Patrick open presents. He had a great time and received some lovely presents, including the sweet moccasins he is modeling below.

Now, this photo is actually from Memorial Day weekend. This is Patrick's first peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Look how long those legs are already!

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