Monday, April 16, 2012

Jack - 6 months

Jack is already 6 months old.  Our family is complete with Jack.  He is the most lovely, laid back baby.  He has the easiest smile of anybody I have ever met.  If he won't smile you know he is feeling pretty bad.  He will usually even stop crying to smile if he sees you smiling at him!
Patrick likes to cook in the bath.  He was pouring and mashing potatoes last night.  These bath blocks from Aunt Sarah and Uncle Loren are awesome, he loves them.
The other day I took the boys to the park.  We had cut Jack's nap short so we could meet friends there.  He fell asleep in the middle of the park, with two-year-olds running back and forth over the blanket.  I was shocked.  Patrick has NEVER spontaneously fell asleep.
Patrick loves to play and hide in big stacks of pillows and blankets.
We go for walks every evening after dinner, weather permitting.  Jack is usually dressed in pajamas, but I put him in some jeans last week and was astonished at how grown up he looked.
The Easter Bunny left the boys some buckets of fun as well as eggs hidden around the house.  Patrick had a blast and tried to take over Jack's new toys and books.
Patrick found a great place to color on his tool bench table.
That is all of the new pictures I have for now.  I hope to figure out how to add video soon, and need to download pictures from my other camera.
The weather has been crazy today.  For the first time I wore short sleeves out, and Patrick didn't need a jacket.  It was 65 most of the afternoon.  Then the wind blew and the temperature dropped about 40 degrees in probably about 4-5 hours.  A few minutes ago it started to snow.  Now my yard is white again.  It's April 16 - this is amazing.  I know it will get warm soon, I can't wait to plan our garden for the summer!
Have a wonderful week.

Friday, April 6, 2012

April already

We dyed some Easter eggs today.
Ryan found the sling so that Jack could help him cook.
Patrick helped Ryan work on his truck.  He crawled right under there and enjoyed playing with socket wrenches, he said they were like a puzzle.