Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Week Early!

Patrick Ryan Ross
7lbs, 9oz and 20.5 inches
Born: 5-6-09, 8:43 a.m.

We were in real labor for about 14 hours total. At 8 cm I got a little medication, but no epidural. Then we pushed for about 9 hours. In the last 20 minutes, the doctor decided we needed to use a vacuum to help him out (I think he also had to be turned a bit, he has wide shoulders). So, Patrick arrived with an amazing conehead that started to disappear immediately. I now understand how flexible babies heads can be!

Ryan was very hands on in the delivery room (we did not know this is coming, but I think he could be a professional midwife now). I cannot count how many people were involved (as the shift changed), but I know in the end they called in an extra nurse at the end. There were also two observers, a resident studying OB and a student nurse. Quite a crowd. The student nurse was awesome and took some pictures right after birth (there is no way I would have thought of that at that point!)

Ryan stepped up right away and is already the man to go to when Patrick needs calming down (or anything else). Patrick and I are very lucky to have him.

This is Patrick all set to go home. He likes having his hands up to his face, or as Ryan says, "Listening to his headphones."


Nicci, Keith, Mason & Brenna said...

What a beautiful baby boy! Great job Kate!! (Ryan too)

We can't wait to meet him.

Cassie said...

Oh he's just perfect. So beautiful.