Hello! Below are a bunch of pictures from December. On the first day of winter, Ryan and I took Patrick to his first zoo. This is the Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma, WA. We had a good time!
Patrick really enjoyed the aquarium. He would put his face and hands against the glass and growl at the fish.
Some friends of ours loaned us their walker. Patrick is learning to scoot around the kitchen.
Crawling is boring to Patrick, one week after his first crawl, he started pulling himself up on everything.
Kody and I on Christmas morning.
This is how I find Patrick after a nap or a night's sleep. All ready to go and yowling because he doesn't know how to sit down once he is up.
Buddies. Patrick likes to pull Kody's (and our cat Lincoln's) fur. Kody sleeps outside his bedroom door at night.
Exploring toy options.
Christmas day and the fun new toy from Grandma and Grandpa.
I am too impatient to download pics in the correct order and then add commentary. Why is it so difficult to change the order of the pictures? Anyways, here are some November pictures of Patrick. Enjoy!
Patrick helping me choose a pumpkin for Halloween.
Our little skeleton in our yard.
On Halloween, Patrick and I went to visit Ryan in Victoria, B.C. We take a 90 minute ferry to get there from Port Angeles.
Patrick helped me read the map of the city.
Then he ate our map.
So, there is a tradition in Victoria every Halloween. Locals dress as zombies and stumble around the city in character (before I knew about the tradition, I noticed some zombies dragging themselves around and thought they were crazy). Then, at 2pm, they all meet at the Parliament Building and get a picture together, after which they all march off together. It was awesome to see. There were entire families in normal clothes torn up with blood everywhere and dark eyes, pale skin...there must have been almost 1000 for sure. I want to do it sometime!
This is Ryan's boat in Victoria. The ferry let us off directly across the small harbor.
Patrick is 5 months old now. He is making more noises, grabbing on to things, smiling, laughing and he really wants to crawl soon. Below are a bunch of pictures from the last month.
He is still a little small for this super warm outfit.