Sunday, February 14, 2010

January pictures

Proof that these two are truely friends and just keep it secret from us. New Year's Day we went for a walk on the new Elwa River bridge.

Patrick's favorite activity is to get pulled backwards by his feet on the bed. Then he crawls away again and waits for you to pull him backwards. He just laughs and puts his face into the blankets.
Getting ready:
Going back:
Ready again:
One second of suprise every time:
And laughing:


Ryan gave me snowshoes for Chrismas this year. We went 3 times and I love them. Then the road to Hurricane Ridge washed out, so we may not be able to go again this year. Boo. Road up to the ridge.

The second time Patrick came with us and enjoyed it. He was obviously warm and comfortable.Family portrait:

You can walk everywhere on snowshoes!

I can't wait for some snow or for next is my new favorite thing to do in the winter!